Thursday, July 16, 2009

Letters from the Cube - Day 16

July 16, 2009

The rally on the Capital Steps seemed to be a success. Hundreds of us were there, waving our signs, shouting our slogans - I was hoping for a burning in effigy of Rendell, but alas, it did not happen. Do I think any of the politicians were influenced by our energetic frustration? No. Do I think Rendell was even in his office as (unpaid) State Police and union members protested outside his door? No. Do I think that sunblock would have been wise, considering we were in glaring sunshine on white marble steps? Oh, yes. (pass me the aloe, please?)

The rally did lift our spirits somewhat - at least for the rest of the day.

In an effort to create the illusion that we can actually do something to change the situation, I created a Facebook cause. Now, the way Facebook causes work, you need to set up a charity to receive donations, should anyone who joins your group wish to do so. After an excruciatingly long period of thought, I decided that the best charity would be the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Why would I choose that particular worthy organization? The Powers That Be (PTB) were kind enough to send an email to inform us that the Food Bank would be donating a box of food every two weeks per state employee, as long as we call after July 20th and bring our state identification with us. I guess that means I'll have to remove the "Budget Hostage" sticker that is currently my i.d..

In order to support myself, I have decided to go into business. I'm currently taking orders for the King Ed Rendell Voodoo Dolls I am creating. Perhaps, if I'm lucky, I'll make enough to retire by the time they actually sign the budget!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Letters from the Cube - Day 13

July 13, 2009

Morale continues to sink. Our government has shown exactly what they think of us - which is not much. The Governor said he would "not balance the budget of the backs of the state workers." What lies. Perhaps I should give him the benefit of the doubt - perhaps it's not our backs he is balancing it on, but another part of our anatomy.

Linda did not come in today and did not call off. We fear the worst.

There is rumor of a rally tomorrow on the Capital steps. Many of us are taking off in order to march.

The building owner wouldn't put the Valium in the vending machine, but he did put in Rolaids. The entire row was gone by 10am.

So little will left...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Letters from the Cube - Day 8

July 8, 2009

It has now been over a week. Morale is at an all-time low, but I fear that we have not yet come within spelunking range of the bottom. The Commissioner continues to do his duty, but he is keeping a low profile. Though the pictures of the Tyrant still litter the walls, it is more likely because none of us want to be pink slipped for destroying government property. Those lucky people in Iraq - at least they were allowed to topple their dictator's statue.

The strain is starting to tell on us all. I heard a group of employees begging the building owner to put Rolaids and Valium in the vending machines. I myself have proposed that we replace the water in the water coolers with vodka. (Since we can't pay the bill anyway, we might as well get the upgrade until we are cut off entirely.)

I'm worried about my cubemates. Harry's bull-dog face now looks like a bassethound. Linda has developed a nervous tic in the right side of her jaw and I'm pretty sure I heard Angie (she is an elder at my family's church) muttering something to do with cement, chains and an AK-47.

I'm keeping my head low and trying to keep up good spirits, but my dreams haunt me...