Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rev up the Machine...

Remember that post from a few years ago concerning a search for some sort of artistic talent? Well, I think I'm settling on fabric. It's rather by default, really. I've always been a sucker for fabric and handmade papers and pretty patterns. I could spend an hour just rubbing silk velvet against my cheek. There's just something so... sensual about fabric!

The kinda funny part is that, while bemoaning lack of "artsy-fartsy genes" (a shout-out here to Patti P. for that phrase), I was spending every weekend getting my sewing room together, making quilts and working on costumes. Forest? What forest? All I see are trees!

Yesterday, while trolling the 'net on my lunch break, I ran across a great site, A Dress a Day. Talk about smacks to the forehead! I'm NOWHERE near as talented as she is (her name's Erin, too, which i find strangely neat) but thought that, if I'm actually going to use this blog (a concept, i know), then it would be a good place to share my successes and failures (i have feeling the failures will be much more amusing than the successes) as I learn how to tame my sewing machine's feet. Perhaps I'll even learn how to keep the cats off of my fabric when I'm in the middle of feeding it under the needle, too!

Please be patient about pics, though. I'm still looking for a color scanner that I can afford, but will probably start going scan-happy after that. (i really wish i could show you the nifty flocked organza i got for a new skirt... sooooooo pretty) That said, I CAN share a pic of my newest family member. She came with the name Spice, but I'm thinking "Mouth" or "CB" (for ChatterBox) may be more appropriate. :)

Ooooooo.... I can't wait to get this started!!!

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