Monday, June 22, 2009

Open mouth, insert foot...

Hmmm... this may become a constant feature - I'm constantly sticking my size 9.5's down my own throat, it seems.

I consider myself lucky to have friends to whom I can send the following message without worrying that they'll turn me in for harrassment:

Me: Hey, hon... could you do me a favor, puhleeeeeeze?
B: Sure. What's up?
Me: When you come visit, could you wrap me in duct tape and then cut me out of my clothes?
B: (crickets chirping)
(then, just as i'm ready to apologize because i just realized how that sounded...)
B: LMFAO. Sure!

Of course, there is a reason for such a request, and it's not even dirty!

I'm a rather, shall we say, Rubenesque woman. Commercial dress forms do not come in my size, which can make fittings rather difficult. After some research, I found a number of sites that gave directions to make a body-double. Threads Magazine has one of the best how-to's out there. You can find the directions here - don't forget to scroll down because there are FOUR! different options to create a personal dressform.

You skinny-jeans-wearing Twiggy-types could use one of these as well. I've yet to meet a woman (or man, for that matter) who is a perfect size anything - we all have issues, like uneven hips, wide shoulders, narrow shoulders, short waists, long waists, legs that "go on forever" and legs that, well, don't. Very very few of us fit into the "standard" measurements used by the pattern drafting industry. A body double enables you to make alterations and adjustments much more easily, without the constant on-and-off, twist to see the back in the mirror, etc. It also makes hemming your own skirts and pants a breeze.

Grab yourself a friend, a t-shirt and a bunch of duct tape and go to it!

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