Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Time Flies

I'd apologize for the huge gap in posting, but nobody reads this thing, so it doesn't really matter, does it...

2010 was... interesting... I moved alot (yeah, that's nothing new), my sister had her third baby (darling little Emma Irene - I've got to give my sis and bro-in-law credit - they make some of the most gorgeous children i've ever seen - really - it's kinda weird). I finally had the colon resection, which later came open at the incision - inside, that is. Did you know that air trapped in your body cavity can end up around your heart and make you think you're having a heart attack? Or that it can take, say, three months to be able to sit on the toilet without feeling that same pain in your chest since there's no easy way for air to leave your body after that point? Not fun, my non-existant readers, let me tell you. In a way, though, it was one of the best things that happened this year.

I'm not that much of masochist, really... After I ended up back in the hospital (after a huge fight w/ my mother and the incision coming open) the very first night I had spent alone after the first surgery, an unexpected offer came my way.

Do you know about Burning Man, oh Reader-who-does-not-exist? I had actually run into it while looking for costume ideas (BM and EL Wire are like hippies and pot - there isn't necessarily a correlation ALL of the time, but pretty darned close). Once Naked J came on the scene as a last-minute step-in for the RHPS at the York Strand/Capital, he introduced me to a number of friends, who happened to be "burners." Cue happy music... These people were sometimes loud, often glittery, extrememly huggy and entirely welcoming. Before long, I was hooked into the burner-life, even though i'd never inhaled playa dust.

Well, M&M took me in when I got out of the hospital again. I had known them about two months. They put up with the visiting nurses and the paraphenalia of my PICC line. They fed my cats and loved them. They took me to my appointments and to get my medications. They were the best friends a person could have - and they barely knew me.

Damn. Sitting here and typing this, I'm getting teary eyed. I've been so not myself for so long, have i really lost so much touch with what really matters?

In short, they came to my rescue.

How does one repay that kind of selflessness? Oh, karma... be kind...

Now this post REALLY doesn't make sense. So be it. That's the advantage of not having any readers.

Perhaps I shouldn't have taken my pain pills (yeah, still) before starting this... hmmm... pt. 2 tomorrow... and hopefully, more coherently.

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